
Monday 20 April 2020

my sticks and stones project.

My sticks and stones project

I made a little house out of sticks and stones. It had a stone floor.

It had a stone door and stick roofs  and walls.

It also had a stick gate to keep intruders out and prisoners in.

The stone were as strong as nails. I think my skinks would love it.  


  1. This is so cool, Daniel. I like the way you have given us details of how it will be used. I like the simile you have used, too. Can you please go back to your title and check for punctuation.

  2. Hi Daniel,
    What a cool looking sticks and stones house! I see that it has a stick gate to keep intruders out and prisoners in, so does that mean that your sticks and stones house is a prison or jail? You would be able to write a really cool story about prisoners escaping from jail!
